How WPhost's caching technology automatically refreshes content changes Print

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WPhost server-side caching makes sites load super fast by saving snapshots of pages instead of dynamically building them from the server each time a visitor views the page. Our caching engine includes intelligent exclusions for popular WordPress plugins and supports e-commerce and membership sites.

What gets cached?

WPhost's caching technology features full-page caching, which means it saves the HTML of your pages along with static assets such as images, CSS and JavaScript. 

Intelligent Exclusions

While caching is great, not everything on a site should be cached. For example, if you are running a store on your site, each user will need their own individual cart. Because of this, we have special rules in place to help your site load fast while still respecting the needs of the plugins on your site.

  • This means that we are not caching pages like cart, my-account, login, checkout, and many others in a variety of different languages.

Smart Refresh on WPhost

On WPhost’s Cloud Platform, if you make changes to your pages or posts, we will automatically clear them from the cache leaving the rest of your site’s cache intact and loading fast.

This feature allows site changes and updates to be seen on the front-end and ensures visitors see the most recent content on your site without the need to clear the entire cache.

How does it work?

On our side, WPhost's caching technology will:

  • Monitor WordPress post activity on Posts, Pages, Attachments, Revisions and the Navigation Menu
  • Determine what page(s) display that content
  • Refresh the content only for the affected page(s) via more granular caching clear

Actions that will initiate a cache refresh include:

  • Creation
  • Edit
  • Scheduling
  • Deletion

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