How do I update the WHOIS contact information for my domain? Print

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Our terms and conditions require you undertake to supply such accurate, complete full records and as are required by any relevant registrar and/or registry and to ensure that such details are kept updated and complete at all times.

To update the WHOIS contact information for your domain, first login to your Client Area.

Click on Domains, and then My Domains.

All your domain names are listed.

Next, select the domain name.

The selected domain's Overview page will be displayed.

Now, click on Contact Information from the menu or Update the WHOIS contact information for your domain from the domain's Overview panel.

You can make changes to your domain's Registrant, Administrative and Technical Contacts.

Submitted changes will be reflected against your domain(s) WHOIS information held with the domain registry. 

It is important to keep your domain WHOIS contact information up-to-date at all times to avoid losing control of your domain.

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